Scala 3 Google Cloud Function - July 2021
GCP Cloud functions in Scala 3
Lets face it, Scala 3 is excellent, but how to make it run in the cloud.
Lets start by running the cloud function locally.
That was easy.
And we all use SBT and don’t get pulled back to gradle or maven, so, surely that is hard.
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "3.0.0" ThisBuild / organization := "com.jgibbons" lazy val gcpKowFunctions = (project in file(".")) .settings( name := "gcp-kow-functions", libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_3" % "3.2.9" % Test, // Every function needs this dependency to get the Functions Framework API. libraryDependencies += "" % "functions-framework-api" % "1.0.1", // To run function locally using Functions Framework's local invoker libraryDependencies += "" % "java-function-invoker" % "1.0.0-alpha-2-rc5", )
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "1.0.0")
So, well, the rest of it is the normal build and deployment using gcloud commands which are well covered by others.
But, for my notes:
Run the assembly target to create:
target/scala-3.0.0/gcp-kow-functions.assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar cd target/scala-3.0.0/ gcloud functions deploy scala3HelloWorld --entry-point com.jgibbons.eg1.HelloWorldScala3 --runtime java11 --trigger-http --memory 512MB --allow-unauthenticated gcloud functions describe scala3HelloWorld
Look for the url, and browse to it.
Magic, have a local runner for the function, and a deployed cloud function.
Time to ditch Kubernetes, Http4s, Rho, and the rest of it. Back to simpler Scala 3, and joy.
On last thing
Obviously the java-function-invoker isn’t needed in the cloud, so change the build.sbt to have % Test on the end.
libraryDependencies += "" % "java-function-invoker" % "1.0.0-alpha-2-rc5" % Test,
Then move the runner into the test package, such as
And that reduced the jar down to 6.73M from the original 12.2M.